Frequently Asked Questions

How is this housing being paid for?

Sunstone has facilitated an innovative collaboration of stakeholders to meet the needs of creating this development, including the City of Ashland, AllCare Health, Jackson Care Connect, HAJC, and other state and federal funding.

Who will qualify to live here?

The housing will be available to ASD teachers and staff, as well as individuals and families with household income at 80% AMI or below and 80-120% AMI. (AMI=Area Median Income)

What types of housing will be built, how many units?

There will be a total of approximately 75-100 housing units with a combination of apartments, townhomes and cottages. Sizes ranging from studio to 3 bedroom. Some units may have private patios or fenced yards.

Will pets be allowed?

We will work with the residents to develop an agreeable pet allowance.

How will this affect traffic in the area?

The property is in close proximity to bus stop, bike path and within walking distance to schools. We will be in communication with the city transportation committee to ensure that traffic patterns remain as fluid and reliable as possible.

What amenities will be available?

Details will be released once planning is approved. However, with the all new construction we aim to include LEED certified energy efficient appliances, solar offset electricity, Ashland Fiber Internet, fire resistant outer wall panels and clay roofs, and universal design accessibility standards.  

Shared space goals include multi-purpose community room with industrial kitchen, easy access bike storage, garden plots, auxiliary storage rental options, children’s play space and on-site early learning childcare program. 

Will there be only rentals?

Stable rentals and affordable ownership options will be available to meet residents where their needs and lifestyle intersect.